YÖDAK Definition:

A Higher Education Planning Organization with a public legal entity is responsible for planning, organizing, supervising and supervising the implementation of higher education in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus within the framework of the powers and duties granted to it by this Law, and carrying out the accreditation procedures of higher education institutions, directing their activities and ensuring coordination among higher education institutions. , Audit, Accreditation and Coordination Board is established. The short name of the board is “YÖDAK”.

The purpose of YÖDAK is, depending on the purpose of the higher education law,

In line with the aims and principles of higher education; Establishment, opening, operation, organization, operation, duties, powers and responsibilities of higher education institutions established or to be established within the borders of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, as well as education and training, research, publication, guidance, coordination, evaluation, accreditation, supervision and control, teaching. To follow and regulate the principles regarding staff, students and other personnel in an integrated manner.

Duties and Powers of YÖDAK:

(1) Duties and powers regarding planning and coordination are as follows:

  • To ensure unifying, integrative, continuous, harmonious and developmental cooperation and coordination among higher education institutions in line with the purposes, principles and targets determined in the Law; To benefit from the recommendations of the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board for this purpose,

  • To take the necessary measures to ensure that the work of higher education institutions continues at the most efficient level,

  • Preparing plans and programs to take the necessary measures to train the faculty members needed by higher education institutions, at home or abroad,

  • To provide opinions and suggestions on the measures to be taken regarding the problems of higher education,

  • To examine the statutes and regulations stipulated by the Law and the statutes and regulations to be prepared by universities in accordance with the principles in this Law, to declare compliance with them and to monitor the implementation of the statutes approved and entered into force by the Council of Ministers and the regulations duly entered into force,

  • To determine the conditions for students' entry to higher education institutions, registration, acceptance and horizontal transfer, vertical transfer, double branch and minor branch, to prepare a regulation regarding these procedures by taking the opinions of the Ministry and submit it to the approval of the Council of Ministers by the Ministry; To monitor and supervise the implementation of these regulations,

  • To carry out practices such as central level determination exam and quota determination for the citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to enter higher education. For this purpose, by taking the opinions of the Ministry, to prepare a regulation regulating the rules regarding central level determination and student quotas and to submit it to the Council of Ministers for approval by the Ministry,

  • To determine the quota and registration acceptance conditions for foreign students who are not citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. To ensure implementation for this purpose, by taking the opinions of the Ministry, to prepare a regulation regulating the rules regarding the registration and acceptance of foreign students and to submit it to the Council of Ministers for approval by the Ministry,

  • To determine the principles regarding student admission to postgraduate programs. For this purpose, by obtaining the opinions of the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board, preparing a statute regulating the rules regarding student admission to postgraduate programs and submitting it to the Council of Ministers for approval by the Ministry,

  • To make arrangements and plans regarding the admission of students to higher education institutions or their affiliated programs in line with the infrastructure, administrative staff and faculty capacities,

  • To determine the minimum conditions that higher education institutions must have in starting education and providing services in line with the determined goals, objectives and principles, and to carry out inspections according to these conditions,

  • To make decisions by evaluating suggestions from universities regarding the opening, merging or closing of faculties, institutes and colleges within a university.

(2) YÖDAK's Duties and Powers regarding Auditing and Accreditation are as follows:

  • To supervise the education quality, operation and sustainability of higher education institutions and all faculties and/or departments affiliated to these institutions and to examine their academic programs; Following the detection and investigation of any operation that does not comply with the legislation and/or academic rules in higher education institutions, the purpose, target and To make decisions and take necessary measures by examining their compliance with the principles and their academic level and qualifications. To decide, in accordance with the statute, regarding the warning of the higher education institution by YÖDAK and/or subjecting it to further disciplinary investigation and/or the temporary suspension, suspension and/or cancellation of the permission to start education,

  • In order to be opened jointly or alone with a higher education institution in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus or outside the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, or to carry out the existing program with another higher education institution outside the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus; To examine and evaluate the academic criteria, qualifications and equipment of the infrastructure and faculty members, as well as their experience, within the framework of the applications of higher education institutions, faculties, institutes, departments, programs and other colleges that have been given "Preliminary Permission to Open"; To decide whether they can start education after it is determined that they comply with the rules specified in the statute regarding the start of education,

  • To examine and decide on the equivalence of associate, bachelor's and master's degrees and other academic degrees and documents received from higher education institutions abroad,

  • To evaluate and decide on the applications and suggestions regarding the establishment and/or start of education of new faculties, institutes, departments, programs, colleges, preparatory schools or other units within higher education institutions, and to notify the Ministry of its decision on this matter,

  • To determine the minimum course hours and durations of education and training programs in higher education institutions and the principles regarding the education of college graduates at the next level, by taking the opinions of the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board,

  • Taking into account the needs of higher education institutions, education and training programs, qualifications of science branches, research activities, application areas, buildings, equipment and similar facilities, number of students and other relevant issues, higher education institutions will provide faculty and staff staff in a balanced ratio. to check that it does not provide,

  • To examine every year the suggestions of higher education institutions regarding the number of students they can accept into education and training programs and to determine the suitability of these suggestions,

  • To ensure that all research and activities carried out by higher education institutions and their members are carried out in accordance with scientific and professional ethical principles and values,

  • To cooperate academically with international and national accreditation institutions, to approve the accreditations of these institutions when necessary,

  • To ensure that all kinds of research, experiments and theses to be carried out in higher education institutions comply with international rules and ethical rules; To prepare a regulation regulating higher education ethics rules, by taking the opinions of the Ministry, in order to ensure their implementation by setting rules that include detection and sanctions for plagiarism and ethical rules, and to submit it to the Council of Ministers for approval by the Ministry,

  • To examine and evaluate the activity reports to be submitted by universities every year; To identify those who show superior success and those who are deemed inadequate and take the necessary precautions,

  • To transmit the reports regarding the inspections to the Presidency, the Assembly of the Republic and the Ministry. These reports are taken into consideration when evaluating the applications for "Preliminary Permit to Open", "Permit to Open a Higher Education Institution" and "Permit to Start Education".

  • To determine the academic level and qualifications of educational programs in higher education institutions, to inspect the compliance of education, training and other activities with the purposes, principles and targets specified in this Law, in accordance with the principles in this Law, and for this purpose, by taking the opinions of the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board, the rules regarding the supervision of higher education institutions are regulated. Preparing a regulation and submitting it to the Council of Ministers for approval by the Ministry,

  • To determine the laboratory, dormitory, classroom, office and similar infrastructure requirements of higher education institutions; To determine the minimum number of academic staff and support staff by statute and to take the necessary measures to ensure that higher education institutions comply with all these,

  • Coordinating the immigration procedures, health or other social security related procedures of foreign students with the relevant Ministries, and

  • To decide and implement the suspension or resumption of education due to events that will disrupt education and training, either directly or according to the recommendations from universities.

(3) YÖDAK's Duties and Powers regarding Interuniversity Coordination are as follows:

  • To coordinate the education and training, social contribution and service, scientific research and publication activities of universities within the framework of higher education planning and to evaluate the practices on these issues, to supervise the compliance of academic equivalence and academic promotions with the statutes and regulations,
  • To call the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board to a meeting at least twice a year by determining the meeting agenda and giving it to the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board members at least three days in advance. The President may call an extraordinary meeting of the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board when necessary.

(4) YÖDAQK's Duties and Powers as a Quality assurance agency in Higher Education are as follows:

  • To effectively audit higher education institutions in accordance with the European Quality Audit Standard as an external quality assurance agency,

  • Regularly inspecting higher education institutions both institutionally and on a program basis,

  • To institutionally accredit higher education institutions. To encourage and supervise all academic programs to be accredited by international accreditation institutions determined by YÖDAK. For this purpose, by taking the opinion of the Ministry, to prepare a regulation regulating the rules regarding the accreditation of higher education institutions, institutional and academic programs, and to submit it to the Council of Ministers for approval by the Ministry,

  • Preparing a regulation regulating external quality assurance audit procedures and criteria and submitting it to the Council of Ministers for approval by the Ministry,

  • To audit the assistant professor, associate professor and professor titles to be used in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, based on the criteria determined by the Interuniversity Academic Coordination Board, and to approve them if deemed appropriate.

Contact Us

Address: 28 Kasım Sokak No:11 Köşklüçiftlik, Nicosia / TRNC

+90 (392) 228 43 46
+90 (392) 228 43 47
+90 (392) 228 23 48
+90 (392) 228 13 49

Email: yodak@gov.ct.tr

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