Equivalence Application

Important Announcement

Equivalence applications have moved to an appointment system. Before coming to the institution, an appointment must be made at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Diploma equivalence examinations may take 3 to 6 months due to international correspondence, therefore, in order to avoid any grievances regarding equivalence procedures, it is announced to the relevant parties that applications should be made considering this period.


Please send an email to make an appointment

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Equivalence Regulation


3. The purpose of this Regulation is to regulate the procedures and principles to be followed in the equivalence processes of associate, bachelor's and master's degree diplomas obtained from higher education institutions abroad, excluding diplomas obtained from higher education institutions of the Republic of Turkey.


4. This Regulation applies to citizens of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus who have received associate, bachelor's or master's degree diplomas from higher education institutions abroad, excluding higher education institutions in the Republic of Turkey. It covers the evaluation of the equivalence and/or validity of the diplomas received by those who are not citizens of the Republic of Northern Cyprus but have the right to stay or work in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus with a valid permit, the equivalence application procedures and the issues related to the Diploma Equivalence Commission.


Procedures and Principles Regarding Diploma Equivalence

Application Procedure

6. Application to YÖDAK must be made in person or by the authorized representative of the applicant.

Application Receipt Document and Documents Required for Application

7. The applicant who completes the application with the required documents will be given an application receipt indicating that the application has been received.

(2) Documents required for equivalence application;

(A) Application petition to be submitted to YÖDAK,

(B) Original diploma and a copy of the original diploma,

(C) If the diploma is in a foreign language other than English, a translation of the diploma approved by the certifying officer,

(Ç) Original and copy of the transcript,

(D) A photocopy of the identity card or passport

(E) (a) Document containing short course descriptions, if necessary,

(b) The document mentioned in item (a) above must be submitted in the equivalence application for Medical School Diplomas.

(F) Form authorizing YÖDAK to conduct research on the applicant, to be filled out by the applicant at the YÖDAK Presidency.

(3) (A) Citizens of the Republic of Turkey who graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry Faculties of Higher Education institutions abroad, other than those in the Republic of Turkey, must first obtain diploma equivalence from the Council of Higher Education (YÖK).

(B) Equivalence applications made to YÖDAK with diplomas not approved by the Council of Higher Education (YÖK) will not be taken into consideration. The application will not be processed until the required documents are completed.

(5) Any payments, fees, stamps, membership fees and similar expenses that may arise against any institution and/or institutions regarding the research conducted on the applicant shall be paid and/or covered by the person applying for equivalence.

Actions to be Performed Following the Evaluation

10. As a result of the evaluation;

(2) If the higher education program requested for equivalence is not found to be equivalent or valid to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus Higher Education program, the diploma equivalence request is rejected by stating the reason.

(A) YÖDAK investigates whether the documents submitted by the applicant are original, whether there are any scrapings, erasures or similar alterations on them, and whether they belong to the applicant.

(B) If YÖDAK determines as a result of the investigation that the documents are not original and true, that they have been altered and that the documents do not belong to the applicant, the equivalence process will not be carried out and a complaint will be made to the relevant authorities
in order to take legal action against these persons.

Results and Document Delivery

11. (1) Documents to be collected by hand are copied electronically and delivered to the applicant himself/herself or his/her authorized representative.

(2) Copies and certified translations submitted to YÖDAK are kept in the applicant's file as documents constituting the basis for examination and are not returned to the applicant.


Contact Us

Address: 28 Kasım Sokak No:11 Köşklüçiftlik, Nicosia / TRNC

+90 (392) 228 43 46
+90 (392) 228 43 47
+90 (392) 228 23 48
+90 (392) 228 13 49

Email: yodak@gov.ct.tr

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