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Message from the Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation, and Coordination Council (YODAK) on Teachers’ Day

Today, we celebrate the teachers who play a pioneering role in the development of societies and the enlightenment of individuals. Teachers, who lay the foundations of the future in the light of education and science, and impart knowledge, virtue, and values to future generations, are also the guiding mentors of young minds in the field of higher education.

Education requires both a sense of responsibility and a commitment to ideals. As part of the academic community, all our academicians who guide students tirelessly dedicate themselves to cultivating individuals who meet the demands of the modern era. Being a part of this sacred mission of building the future is both a great honor and a profound responsibility.

On this meaningful day, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to all teachers and academicians and wish for their efforts to be recognized and appreciated at all times. The dedication of our teachers, who lead the journey of education toward a brighter future, is one of the fundamental pillars of societal progress.

We celebrate the Teachers’ Day of all educational heroes who have wholeheartedly embraced the teaching profession and wish them success in their endeavors.


Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation, and Coordination Council (YODAK)

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Email: yodak@gov.ct.tr

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